Revamping: Do you like the new look?

This quote sums up how I feel about this website right now! I cannot tell you how happy and proud I am at the moment. 

This quote sums up how I feel about this website right now! I cannot tell you how happy and proud I am at the moment. 

So, remember when I posted that change is coming? 

I mean I just made a post about it on IG and my blog

Well guess what? I wasn't fooling around anymore. I've officially decided to get my own website and merge together the Beauty and Artistry aspect of my makeup passion! Everything will now be under my namesake website.  I've also decided to scrap Focal Point Beauty as my blog name, not because I don't like it anymore, but rather I wanted people to know that it was me behind the blog, so along came Kristine Else Beauty and Artistry. The Beauty part is evidently for the beauty blog and the Artistry is for my professional makeup artistry profile. 

For the longest time, I've been struggling to find a way to merge them in a cohesive website format. For years, I debated on having two separate websites: one for my Professional Artistry website and also another for my blog. However, I realized in the end that it was just going to be too much controlling two separate website accounts, emails, social media pages... and the list goes on and on. It was going to be a headache. If I'm being honest, one of the reasons why I have not consistently updated my old blog was because I was genuinely not content about the website format. I knew there were so many things I wanted to have on it, but it required more coding and learning how to formally do it without messing up my premade blog theme. I didn't have the time to deal with all of that. My best friend told me all about a different website-hosting  platform called Squarespace that was easy to use and customizable to my taste, and that was it -  the answer to one of my roadblocks! It also helps that I am extra motivated and inspired right now, hopefully this goes on and on forever.

 I've been working on this website for the past three-weeks, hence the lack of more than one post per week since I've been back to blogging. All my old blog posts from Focal Point Beauty have been transferred, boy did that take a long time. There's still a few things I'm missing, especially on the Artistry section of my website as I'm still finalizing some details about it. I'm also working on retrieving my portfolio photos from the photographers I worked with because I lost a lot of them when I broke my old PC. Overall, the website is not where I want it to be, yet, but it has most of the elements that I want in it; it just needs some more polishing up! 


But hey, I'm making progress and working toward my vision. Right now, that's what matters to me! Next goal is clearly to polish up my website, post regularly now that most of the website construction is done, and lastly maybe finally get on my YouTube channel plans?! We shall see! 

What have you been up to lately? 


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