Inspirations and Such

So, its been a little over 6 months since my last post. To be quite honest, I can use the excuse that I was very busy with school, work and my freelance jobs (wedding season...hmm) but if I really wanted to, I could've still made time to be consistent with blogging. I think what it really came down to, was that I was really uninspired and not in a good place with makeup and the beauty industry as a whole. In short, I was in a makeup rut, not just in doing my own makeup but also with how I felt about doing it and working it as a job.

Don't get me wrong, I love doing my wedding freelance jobs and I love helping customers and doing their makeup at MAC, but somehow along the way, I viewed it all as just a "job" and forgot enjoying the whole process. Instead of watching makeup videos on YouTube, I found myself watching vlogs instead and couldn't really sit through most makeup videos. There used to be a time where I would watch all these makeup videos every free moment I had because I genuinely enjoyed them.  I feel like, I was overloaded with so much about makeup and beauty, that when I was free, I would rather read a book or do something else aside from it, because even if I live and breathe makeup and beauty, I still needed another outlet to keep me inspired and not overwhelmed. Without even realizing it, I sort of detached myself from makeup and only thought about it when I'm at work or doing my freelance jobs.

I think that break really helped me put everything in perspective. Not only did I get re-inspired,  I started getting more ideas about what I really want out of this whole blogging and envisioned my goals and plans for it. I've written everything that came to mind, throughout that whole process, and now comes the time of putting it all into action, because that's what really matters. I can have all the inspiration and vision in the world, but if I don't execute it, then what's the point, right? I know I don't have much of a following yet, heck I don't even know if anyone is going to read this post, but what I know for sure, is that I'm going to dive and just give this my all.

So here it all goes.....

P.S. I couldn't help but use this photo in this post because I'm a big GoT fan, LOL!

P.S. I couldn't help but use this photo in this post because I'm a big GoT fan, LOL!

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