What's in store for 2017?

I hope you are all having a wonderful new Year! In true New Year spirit, today I've decided to post about my goals for this website for 2017. As some of you may know, I've been trying very hard to put my blogging in the forefront towards the last quarter of 2016. I've been somewhat successful at it, although there have been times where I've fell of my posting schedules. For this year, I really want to grow my website and blogging. I'm also planning to execute some long-time goals that I've been wanting to do, but haven't had enough confidence to execute. Hopefully, 2017 will be the year to do some of them. I'm writing this post as an update and sort of as an accountability goal setting post, so that I am more inclined to achieve them.

These are my five goals for this website in 2017:

  • Post at least 2-3 times a week with a proper posting schedule -- CONSISTENTLY

Because I still have school, I am working towards posting consistently at least 2-3 times a week, depending on how busy my week is. These posts will be published anytime between Monday, Wednesday and/or Friday.  

  • Make my blog post content more diverse

Majority of my posts are about beauty and makeup, which I do not mind, however, I want to start talking about other subjects that matter to me like productivity, reading, and fitness. I also plan to do other types of posts on beauty and makeup like comparison posts, more makeup tutorials and tips, and also talking about makeup artistry and my freelance kit. 

  • Update my Artistry Portfolio Page

I used to have a portfolio page, however, I had to take it down because the layout did not work on the photos that I uploaded. Also, some photos were not high enough quality. Right now, I'm currently drafting my new portfolio page and curating the photos I want to include in there. My goal is to get that page up again and have a decent amount of photos by March.  

  • Add missing plug-ins and final touches to the website

There's still a few things I want to add to my website to make it easier to navigate and also add my type of branding to it. I currently have my best friend working on my logo, and I'm researching codes and ways to add certain website plug-ins. I have a lot of ideas and hopefully I'll get around to getting some of them realized throughout the year.

  • Start uploading YouTube videos

So, I've always wanted to do YouTube videos. Even my friends keep telling me I should really just do it, however, I've always had reservations on putting myself out there in that way. I'm finally starting to warm up to the idea, and I'm hoping that by the second half of the year, I'll finallyget around to it. *fingers crossed*

I feel like my goals and plans are pretty manageable and achievable. I'm most likely going to reflect back to this post throughout the year, just to make sure I'm making progress and staying on track! 

What are you major goals for 2017? It can be personal or maybe it's for your passion project. Let me know below!